
Tune into the second episode discussion edition Killa Podcast. This month I visit Chemnitz Germany to sit down with D.I.S. and Capital J – where I get schooled on Dubstep, discover what inspires and influences them, ponder the East and hear some interesting 2011 perspectives on our scene from the past, present and future.


In an unexpected almost 2 hours we cover such topics as N2O Records and Diss Da Program, Evil Streets, UK, the Toronto scene, Brostep, drinking in Slovakia, Ghent, Drumcorps and grindcore, Mosh pits, Gangsta Jungle, the history of DNB production, finding good music, Double-Dropping, the skill of DJing, euro dance, oldschool raves, Ruff E Nuff and crews, the Traktor sync button and with interjecting wind, pee breaks, mobile ringing, opening beer bottles, birds, polizei sirens and fighting more wind.

My mission with these discussion podcasts is to, through natural dialogue, expose members of our scene exactly as they are, by encouraging an open communication that allows bringing up everything on their minds – be it obvious, unknown or even contraversial.

download this podcast here.

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